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How You Think About Yourself and Others
Has Everything To Do With
How You Get Along
Pamela Levin, R.N., T.S.T.A.
Pamela Levin is an R.N., a Teaching and
Supervising Transactional Analyst and award-winning author. In private practice 42 years, she
teaches and trains therapists and lay audiences internationally and is the author of numerous books
and articles on greater health and well-being of body, mind, spirit, emotions and
relationships. [Your affiliate link to YEN]
ecause each of us is unique, each of us is different, and that can be
a source of tension and conflict between people in any kind of relationship - intimate, work, ethnic,
If you want to minimize fighting, relationship ruptures, tension and trauma in your
relationships and get along with others, checking out your mental attitude is a great place to start. That's
because it can make a major difference in reducing, even eliminating painful disputes and
So, before you start to develop a problem in a
relationship, check to see what fundamental attitude you hold about your own humanity and that of others. Here's
one example of such an attitude that has proven exceptionally effective.
It involves accepting that there is a fundamental pattern that underlies your
individual life that you share with every other individual and also with all of nature and the cosmos. Its a
pattern hidden in the private world of people's inner lives, where it operates as a dynamic
force that propels us through a series of repeating life passages.
No matter what our culture, becoming fully human means mastering its challenges, for
it affects everything in our lives, our relationships, productivity, parenting, values and more.
Accepting that you share this natural and universal blueprint with every other human
and with humanity in general creates that healthy mental attitude - one that guides you to recognize the
commonalities you share with others behind the differences. And it helps you celebrate those differences rather
than use them as a springboard into unhealthy conflicts.
The more you deepen this awareness and accept its truth, the more you
come home to yourself, to who you really are. And, at the same time you also develop tolerance, understanding and
compassion for others, for you see the commonalities of your shared basic nature behind any individual or cultural
You not only share this pattern with others, you also share its components. They are
part of the ever-unfolding process of human life as it unfolds in a series of six stages. You even share the key
elements of each stage with everyone else - for example, you need to carry out the same emotional tasks to grow in
healthy ways, and you share the same the emotional hungers and needs.
Accept this fact and you accept your own basic humanity and that of everyone else, no
matter how different they may seem on the surface or in any particular moment. And that has the power to greatly
reduce, even eliminate disturbing conflicts and negative exchanges.
Each phase of this cyclic life pattern has its own key emotional
nutrients that support healthy growth and development. For a free sample of three of these, go to http://www.youremotionalnutrients.com and click on the audio.
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